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Ankle cracks? Easy solution at hand

Follow our Tips : Tips -1 Many other times in the year, but many times in the foot. Ankle skin becomes dry when the foot does not crack. Behind this there is conscious lack of care of the skin of the feet. This deficiency is very easy to remove. Domestic things and some procedures - the care of the feet. Let's take a look at them.

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Tips - 2.There is no honey to take care of honey-foot skin. Mix one cup honey with a bucket of light hot water. Then massage the pellet with the mixture. It is better to have this massage for 20 minutes. Then scrub the hard leather scars with the grinding stone. Obviously the thick moisturizer should be applied then.

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Tips - 3 Aloe Vera Gel Aelo Veraa contains Bitamin A, C and E. For this reason, Aloe Vera Jail is very effective for the skin. Wash the feet in a light hot water, cleanse an ankle with a foot-grinding stone. Then apply this gel to the fat under the feet. Then go to sleep after taking the socks. Wake up in the morning and wash your hot warm feet.

Tips - 4 Vaseline and lemon juice is a major reason behind bursting or drying of the skin of the feet, lack of moisture. The easy way to overcome this shortcoming is to combine Vaseline and lemon juice. Soak 20 minutes in hot water. Then dry up. Then add three-four drops of lemon juice to one spoon vaseline. Apply that mixture to the ankle and toe spots. Then go to sleep after taking the socks. Wash the feet in light warm water in the morning.

Tips - 5 Baking Soda Feet Abscess Dry Baking Soda Mix three spoons of baking soda in light hot water. Sit in the mix and sit down. If you sit for 15 minutes, the skin of the feet will be very flexible. Then remove the feet from the water and scrub it with the grinding stone. Dry the feet with a clean towel and go to sleep

Tips - 6 The vegetable oil like aloe vera, Vitamin A, E, D. I used to cook it with oil. Take out the oil, soak the oil. Then go to sleep after socks. In the morning, wash your feet in warm hot water.

Tips - 7 Vitamin A, B complex, also has a banana cream made of ripe bananas. Make a paste with two ripe bananas. Remember that the art is ripe. If not, then there is acid. The acid can damage the skin. Strained ripe banana paste on the bottom of the foot. Then after 20 minutes, wash it well in light hot water. Everybody can run this process every day.

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